Some easy steps for a glamorous look with best ladies beauty salon in Lucknow

ladies beauty salon in lucknow

If you are heading to an evening party or an important event, makeup is one of the most important things that you would focus on in conjunction with other things, such as proper attire, jewelry, perfume etc and there is best ladies beauty salon in Lucknow which will fulfill your need. In case, you are looking forward to sport a glamorous look, it is very important to give extra emphasis on eye makeup.
In fact, no makeup is complete without eye makeup.
Unfortunately a lot of lovely ladies are not skilled in the art of eye makeup so the use to choose the expert beauty salon in Lucknow. If you want to make your eyes look glamorous read the makeup steps below and follow all the instructions carefully.
Here is how to apply eye makeup in some simple steps:
Step 1: Prepare-First you need to prepare your eyes with a good concealer. It will help in covering up imperfections, such as under eye circles, discoloration under your inner eye etc. Apply 3 dots of concealer to hide dark circles under each eye.
You must start at the inner corner of the eye where skin is the darkest. Then proceed under the pupil through the outer edge. Just pat strictly avoid rubbing. Pat the concealer using your ring finger until it disappears. Stylz salon is one of the best beauty salon in Lucknow for ladies. The ring finger is known to possess the lightest pad.
Step 2: Eye base-Now it is time to apply eye base to your lid. Eye base is known to be the key to keep your shadow intact for hours together. Priming your lid first is crucial because your eye shadow is more likely to develop a greasy line in your crease.
Step 3: Apply shadow-It is essential to use a 3-toned shadow for the desired effect. Make sure you start building from lids to brow. It is equally important to blend the shades into each other just like rainbow colors merge beautifully.
Most eye makeup artists at beauty salon in Lucknow focus on starting with a light color that matches well with your lid. Focus on sweeping the color across the lid and then way up towards your brow-bone.Use a medium color across your lid. Lastly apply a darker color in the crease. You must seriously focus on blending these colors well.
Step 4: Eyeliner- This is the perfect time to use eyeliner. The bets eyeliner is dark shade eye shadow. Use a slanted brush to dip in a dark eye shadow. Line your eyes closer to the upper lashes starting from the inner corner towards the outer corner. Use the liner on bottom eyes.
However, you must focus on lining the middle of the eye out. Now smudge the bottom line with a Q-tip. You may also use your finger. You don’t want a prominent line.
Step 5: Highlighter-Using a highlighter brighten your eyes. Makeup steps written by makeup experts recommend highlighting only the inner part of the eye.
Step 6: Highlight your brow-Dab a little highlighter on your brow bone and blend well with your finger.
Step 7: Curl lashes -curling lashes will make them look more gorgeous.

Step 8: Apply mascara-The last step involves applying mascara. Start applying via the wand of mascara brush at the bottom of lashes. Wiggle back and forth.


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